The Best Ways to Play with Grandkids Now
In the summertime, if you’re taking on more childcare duties, it’s easy to run out of ways to play with the grandkids. Here are my favorite ideas from the “Call Me Grandma!” archives.
Playing with Fussy Toddlers

If you’ve ever had to entertain a fussy toddler without toys–in a car or a restaurant, for example–you know the challenge. Play with the grandkids employing their fingers, toes, and even their socks!
Learn how to entertain toddlers without toys.
Bean Bags to Play with Grandkids

Old-fashioned bean bags lend themselves to any number of games for kids. You can play indoors or out. Added bonus: these games improve motor skills.
Learn how to make bean bags and check out some games to play with grandkids.
Fort Fight–a Game for All

You can make this game as simple or as complicated as you like. We started using two large cartons, with wadded paper for ammunition. Later on, we painted the forts and made shields. We had the most fun when parents and grandparents joined the fray.

Learn how to set up for a fort fight.
For more ways to play with the grandkids, search my blog under the category, Grandma Fun.
Even More Ways to Play with Grandkids
You’ll find other great games to play on my Pinterest board.
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During my vacation, through the next week, I’ll be reposting curated archived stories. I will return on Wednesday, August 3 with more new “Call Me Grandma!” ideas.
Next week: My thoughts about grandparenting. Come visit!