Entertaining Toddlers–without Toys

Turn baby's sock into a puppet when there are no toys around to entertain a child.
When all else fails, take a sock off baby’s feet and turn it into a puppet.

We’ve all been there. You’re at a restaurant or sitting in the back seat of a car, and the child begins to fuss. You want to coax them out of their mood or soothe their distress, but there’s nothing at hand. Entertaining toddlers without toys can be a challenge!

The easy answer, of course, would be to whip out your smartphone and find a video, a story podcast, or play some toddler music. Or, you can let the cranky child scroll through your camera roll (being careful that they don’t delete anything), since kids love to see pictures of themselves.

Much as I’m addicted to my iPhone, I prefer not using electronics to entertain a young child. I can’t believe that being riveted to a mobile device doesn’t have adverse consequences. And as a grandparent, I’m there to give my entire time and attention to that child. I want to find a human solution.

So, what to do?

Use the Child’s Fingers, Toes, and Clothes

I look for what’s around that I can work with.

  • Playing with the child’s fingers and toes–especially toes–will always amuse them. My favorite is This Little Piggy. After a few repetitions, expect the child to finish each line. “This little piggy went to….” “Market!” they’ll shout gleefully.
  • Now that you’ve removed the child’s shoes to play with their toes, thrust your hands into each shoe and make the shoes dance to the child’s favorite tunes. Miss T used to be both fascinated and fearful to see her shoes take on a life of their own.
  • Next, take the socks and turn them into impromptu sock puppets. Children will be mesmerized to see their socks talk.
  • Teach them a new rhyme or a song that incorporates finger play. Here are some your child might enjoy.
  • Play guessing games by hiding a small object in your hand and have the child guess which hand it’s in.

In your kitchen, entertaining toddlers without toys is easier: just make cookies together.

Making Up Your own Rhymes

I came up with this for my younger child when he was a baby. It’s a food game where you name a food, then kiss the child’s body party that rhymes with that food, all the while clapping your hands to the rhythm.

Guacamole, guacamole strawberry pie…guacamole, guacamole, kiss my eye (you kiss the child’s eye).

Guacamole, guacamole Chips and Dips…guacamole, guacamole, kiss my lips (now kiss the lips.)

For more stanzas:

  • Bacon and eggs go with kiss my legs
  • Ham on rye go with kiss my thigh
  • Bread and cheese go with kiss my knees
  • Pretzels and beer go with kiss my ear
  • And so forth–have fun making more combinations
These paper puppets are made from the paper sheaths from wooden chopsticks using a Sharpie to draw the features.
The paper sheath from wooden chopsticks can be turned into puppets.

Turn Whatever’s Available into a Toy

  • In a Japanese restaurant, use the paper sheath that chopsticks come in to make finger puppets.
  • Use your napkin to play peek-a-boo.
  • Scrounge a sheet of printer paper from a companion’s pocket or purse. Turn it into a boat, hat, or for an older child, a cootie catcher.
  • Learn to make simple origami objects using small scraps of paper and entertain by demonstrating your skills.

What are your desperation ways to entertain a toddler?

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  1. Hopalonghu on September 25, 2019 at 6:52 pm

    You are just way too creative!

    • admin on September 27, 2019 at 10:50 pm

      Awww…thanks, grandpa!