Grandma Crafts
Here in our Grandma Crafts section, you'll find great ideas for projects to do with kids, from simple to complex. Our craft projects are designed to teach skills and build confidence. And there are few activities more rewarding than crafting together with your grandchild. We continue to update this section; check back for new ideas.
Use Air Dry Clay to Make A Mother’s Day Gift
Craft a heart-shaped ring dish from air dry clay plus more Mother’s Day gift ideas for grandkids to make for mom.
Use Imagination to Make the Best toys from Throwaways
Make a condo from boxes and other fun toys from throwaways to kickstart imagination and creativity in kids.
How to Keep a Child’s Stuffie from Getting Lost
Make a heart-shaped AirTag holder out of felt so you can track a stuffie lost in travel or on the playground.
Arts and Crafts for Kids: How to Get Started Now
Nurture creativity in kids through arts and crafts. Try our two art projects and learn ways to introduce art to daily life.
Plastic Egg Crafts: How to Make an Easter Egg Wreath
Kids can help cover plastic Easter eggs in tissue paper; use the eggs to make a simple, Easter egg wreath.
Plastic Egg Easter Crafts: How to Make an Egg Vase
Turn plastic eggs into mini vases for Easter. Just paint, decorate, and fill with tiny bouquets of fresh flowers.
Winter Activities for Kids: How to Make a Terrarium
Wintertime can be confining for kids. Make a terrarium and try other winter activities to keep them engaged.
Make a Fun Dragon Puppet for Chinese New Year
It’s the Year of the Dragon! Make a dancing dragon puppet with toilet paper rolls, chopsticks, and paint.
How to Make Easy DIY Valentines with the Grandkids
Make valentines with the grandkids using acrylic paints, tissue paper, and cardstock. Then have a family party!
The Best Activities for Kids with a Luau Theme
Plan some simple activities for kids to enhance a winter luau: construction paper leis and woven placemats.