Grandma Says
Grandma Says represents my point of view on grandparenting. I reflect on what I've learned about life and the life lessons I try to impart to the grandkids. This section also opens a window into my grandma life.
The Best News You can Use Now: Curated Stories
From grandparenting tips, to healthy living ideas, here is a curated list of news stories you can use.
Grandma Says: My Ultimate Post- Holiday Review
Now that the holidays are over, it’s a good time to do a post-holiday review to file away ideas for next Christmas.
How to Pack for Vacation Travel: My Best Tips
Whether going on a car trip to visit family or traveling halfway around the world, try these packing tips.
What I Did on My Staycation: Easy Things to Do Now
Staycation ideas to replicate: ikebana flower arranging, word games. closet cleaning, and travel planning.
Grandma Life: My Best Practical Advice for You
A roundup of thoughts and life lessons on being a grandma; things I did for the grandkids and ones I wish I had.
How to Plan for the Best Staycation this Summer
Staying home this summer? Here are some tips for planning a staycation to ensure your summer goes according to plan.
Exercise to Spark Creativity and Imagination in Kids
A way to spark creativity in kids is to give them a few trash items and challenge them to create original toys.
Encore! A New Puppet Show; More Funny Disasters
We made puppets from trash, a theater from a box, and wrote a script. It was a disaster when we put on a show!
Sharing Family Stories on an Amazing Tour
Taking the grandkids to your home town is a way to share family stories. My grandkids learn about Kona coffee farmers at a living history farm.
Grandma Says: My Best Easy Tips on Grandparenting
Make a “no whine” sign and other grandparenting tips to guide the grandkids and support parents.