Grandma Says

Grandma Says represents my point of view on grandparenting. I reflect on what I've learned about life and the life lessons I try to impart to the grandkids. This section also opens a window into my grandma life.

Making Holiday Memories with the Grandkids

By Grandma Sandy | December 18, 2019

Grandparents can help to create holiday memories, from cookie baking to taking family photos.

Thanksgiving table features pumpkins, grapes, and other fall produce.

Grandma’s Guide to Thanksgiving Table Setting

By Grandma Sandy | November 20, 2019

Set a childproof Thanksgiving table with fall produce and battery-operated tea lights.

Learning from Simple, After-School Activities

By Grandma Sandy | September 18, 2019

On the bus ride after school, hone a child’s powers of observation and retention, and do some math.

Labor Day Gifts: Starting a Family Tradition

By Grandma Sandy | August 21, 2019

Family traditions bind a family together. In our family, everyone gets a gift on Labor Day.

A play phone connects grandparents to grandkids while grandkids are on vacation, through imaginary conversations.

A Play Phone Connects Long-Distance Grandparents

By Grandma Sandy | July 24, 2019

A toy telephone connects a traveling grandchild to her grandparents through pretend conversations.

Good Table Manners for Kids: Setting the Table

By Grandma Sandy | June 26, 2019

Setting the table helps kids to learn standards for dining and is a way to teach good table manners.

This baby changed my status to grandma.

Welcome to my Grandma Blog

By Grandma Sandy | June 10, 2019

How I found the name for my grandma blog and what grandparents and parents can expect from future content.