The Best of “Grandma Says:” Sharing my POV

My grandma blog has four sections. “Crafts,” “Fun,” and “Foodteach how to make or do something, while the fourth section, “Grandma Says,” is a platform for my point of view.

Here’s the best of “Grandma Says” from the archives.

How to Connect with Grandkids on Vacation

This toy telephone from a kitchen set helped a little girl stay connected with grandma when the child was on vacation.
This toy telephone helped Miss T to stay connected.

Our grandkids just returned from halfway around the world, on a month-long visit to their maternal grandparents. They’re older now, so the parting isn’t as difficult. But when Miss T was four, she felt the separation from us keenly and she found her own unique remedy.

Learn how a toy telephone eased the distance between us and other solutions to stay connected when you and the grandkids are miles apart.

Why Beauty is Important in a Child’s Life

Geraniums snipped from the garden add beauty to an everyday table setting for dinner.
Geraniums snipped from the garden, arranged in mismatched vases, add beauty to an everyday table.

My grandkids observe that I’m always trying to make things beautiful and as perfect as I can. They wonder why.

Learn my thoughts about beauty and perfection and my answer to then-six-year-old Miss T.

Why Kids Should Set your Table

Kids learn many life lessons when called upon to do such a mundane chore as setting the table for dinner. You can start them as young as three. Here’s an Instagram video reel that captures Little N doing the honors.

A five-year-old sets the table for dinner. The one who sets the table gets to decide where everyone sits. Place cards mark the places.
Little N, at five, sets the table for Friday night dinner. The table setter gets to decide where everyone sits by putting out place cards.

Learn what lessons kids will absorb from setting the table.

See you next Wednesday, when I’ll return from vacation with new content. Hope you’re having a wonderful summer.

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Call Me Grandma!” returns from vacation next week with new content!


  1. Hopalong on July 27, 2022 at 3:20 pm

    Thank you for these lovely lessons.

    • Grandma Sandy on July 28, 2022 at 7:22 pm

      Thank you for your comment!